Housing Works and Bailey House Merge

Even more to love and support!


We have all the tools we need to end AIDS even without a medical cure. That’s the genius of the Campaign to End AIDS in New York. The end of AIDS will come through medical treatments, awareness and access to medical and social services like supportive housing and political will.


And that’s what makes the merger between Housing Works, the nation’s leading HIV/AIDS advocacy and service organization and Bailey House, the nation’s first HIV/AIDS supportive housing provider, a literal life-saver.


Clients from both Housing Works and Bailey House will have access to expanded service offerings, including more supportive housing and primary medical care – precisely the elements that will end the epidemic.


Your fundraising dollars power the advocacy that has the backs of Housing Works’ clients – and now Bailey House’s clients, too! We are excited to welcome Bailey House staff, clients and supporters to the BRAKING AIDS® Ride Family!


For more information on the merger and both organizations click here.